151: Date to Mate: How to Avoid Unhealthy Relationship Threats

avoid unhealthy relationship threats

After 30+ years of marriage that includes the raising of three healthy, Christian adult children, Caesar (and his wife Tina) have learned some valuable lessons to pass on to your kids–or live by yourself–when it comes to creating relationships that last. In this episode of the Lifeschool Podcast we’ll help parents and their kids understand…

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148: Who Are You and Why Do You Matter?

why do you matter

The way of the world is: we do things (perform, serve, work, etc) to have value in the eyes of our family, friends, parents, spouse, siblings, boss, pastor, and so on. Out of this activity, we often form our identity and perceived value. But who God says you are is very different. In this episode…

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147: How to Move from Addiction to Freedom

Move From Addiction to Freedom

The heartache, brokenness, and ongoing challenge of addiction affects millions of families every day. But there is hope. In this episode of the Lifeschool Podcast, we talk about this disturbing topic and how to move from addiction to freedom with our special guest, Todd Wermers. No one truly beats their addiction merely by stopping the…

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145: How to Start the New Year on the Right Foot

how to start the new year right

Here comes another opportunity to grow… change… improve our lives and relationships again. The New Year. Are you getting started on resolutions, planning or goal setting to make sure you don’t just sorta slide into another year? In this episode of the Lifeschool Podcast, we’ll give you some immediate steps to help you live with…

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144: Lifeschool Christmas Unplugged

christmas unplugged

On this very special  “unplugged” episode of the Lifeschool Podcast, Caesar and Heath share a bit of their own family stories connected to Christmas when growing up. They’ll also talk about Christmas this year and what they love(d)! Grab a warm (or cold) drink, get comfy, and let’s get to know each other a little…

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143: How Your Holiday Traditions Can Shape Your Life

Holiday Traditions Shape Life

As Christmas and all of the holidays roll around once more, you have to wonder… checking off the box of church services, gift giving, meals, and then back to life as usual… are we missing something? In this episode of the Lifeschool Podcast, we offer hope and suggestions on how your holiday traditions can shape…

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142: What Voices Are Shaping Your Life the Most?

what voices shape your life

Are you hearing voices in your head? I’m not suggesting you’re crazy, but you may be listening to people—from your past or present—that are shaping your self-image, value, and worldview in not-so-helpful ways. What voices are shaping your life the most? How do we discern what voice to listen to, which voice to follow? Are…

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141: How to Apologize the Right (and Wrong) Way

apologize the right way

In the past few weeks, we’ve seen a lot of public officials and celebrity types faced with accusations of wrongdoing, misconduct and unethical behavior. We would hope that all of these people would start with a good old-fashioned apology, but many don’t. It is doubtful that you’ll ever be faced with such public accusations, but…

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140: How to Handle Annoying People This Holiday

how to handle annoying people

We all have those people in our lives that we’d rather not be around, but the holidays have a way of forcing us to deal with them–or not. In this episode of Lifeschool, we talk talk about how to handle those family members that you would rather not have to be around at the holidays.…

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139: Is Trump Killing The Church Or Saving It?

Is Trump Killing the Church

Love him or hate him, he’s a polarizing figure these days for sure. On this episode of Lifeschool, we talk about the President of the United States, Donald Trump. We ask the question: Is Trump killing the Church in America? Are you Republican… Democrat… conservative or liberal? Christian? However you identify yourself politically and spiritually,…

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138: Discovering the Divine Feminine Nature of God

feminine nature of god

Consistently we use male pronouns to refer to God… and that’s accurate. But maybe there’s more to this amazing God and our understanding of him? Today on the Lifeschool podcast, we talk about the feminine aspects of God and his nature. This may surprise you! “God created man in his own image, in the image…

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136: Why You Need to Get to Know the Holy Spirit

Get to Know the Holy Spirit

If you are unsure of what or exactly who the Holy Spirit is, then this episode is for you. Today on the Lifeschool podcast, we talk about this least known and most misunderstood member of the Trinity, and we’ll show you why you need to get to know the Holy Spirit. Depending on your upbringing…

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135: The Best Ways to Be Missional This Halloween

Be Missional This Halloween

Halloween… that time of year when kids all go nuts, eat too much candy, and then crash after their sugar buzz wears off. But there’s more to it than all that. Today on the Lifeschool podcast, we talk about what may be the lowest hanging fruit of the year when it comes to relationship building…

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134: 7 Pillars of Society: How to Change Your World

7 pillars of society

It’s easy to point fingers at “the culture” and think that it includes everyone else outside of ourselves. But we are the culture… and the culture is us. Today on the Lifeschool podcast, we talk about how every culture is woven together in some pretty similar ways worldwide, and we’ll look for clues from this…

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133: How to Start a Missional Community From Scratch

start a missional community

Starting a missional community is not about tossing a rope around a few of your closest friends and trying to talk them into living more “missionally” together. Today on the Lifeschool podcast, we’re talking about some very basic, but super-important steps on how to start a missional community from scratch. Let’s get you started… Nobody…

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132: How to Multiply Your Missional Community in a Healthy Way

multiply your missional community

Has your missional community gotten stuck in a rut or become a “holy huddle” of mostly Christians hanging out once a week? Healthy things always grow… and multiply! Today on the Lifeschool podcast, we’re gonna talk about bringing intentionality and multiplication into everything you do within your missional community. Growth brings change. Everything God created…

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130: How to Make the Gospel Beautiful and Relatable

make the gospel beautiful

Many in our churches have spent years listening to sermons, studying theology and reading the Word of God, yet still feel intimidated or unable to naturally express the good news of the Gospel into normal life, conversations, and circumstances. Today on the Lifeschool podcast, we’ll give you a proven way to make the gospel beautiful,…

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128: Where Was God During Hurricane Harvey?

Last week saw one of the greatest natural disasters to ever hit America. Thousands of families have lost everything they own, and lives were lost. In times like this it is understandable to wonder, or ask, “Where was God during hurricane Harvey?” In this episode of Lifeschool, we discuss this question and what our response…

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