129: The Pursuit of Happiness — What It Is and How to Get It

the pursuit of happiness

Happiness is not something you achieve once and for all. Happiness is a muscle, a skill, a way of being that can and must be exercised. In this episode of Lifeschool, we talk with author, theologian, and pastor, David McDonald, about the pursuit of happiness: what it is, how we can get it, and why…

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128: Where Was God During Hurricane Harvey?

Last week saw one of the greatest natural disasters to ever hit America. Thousands of families have lost everything they own, and lives were lost. In times like this it is understandable to wonder, or ask, “Where was God during hurricane Harvey?” In this episode of Lifeschool, we discuss this question and what our response…

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127: Decision Fatigue: How to Make Better Decisions

make better decisions

Do you ever feel like if you have to answer one more question or make another decision today your head is going to pop off? Does it seem harder to remain patient with others as the day wears on? In this episode of Lifeschool, we talk about the concept of “decision fatigue,” why it may…

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126: How Money Affects Your Significance and Security

how money affects your security

Jesus talks about money and related issues of the heart more than he talks about heaven and hell or pretty much anything else. Pretty interesting, huh? In this episode of Lifeschool, we look at how our ultimate understanding of the gospel affects how we view and use money, and how our generosity flows from our…

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121: A Life of Focus: Time Management if God Set Your Schedule

time management if god set your schedule

How different do you think your schedule and calendar would look like if God managed it for you? Crazy, right? In this episode of Lifeschool, we talk about how we prioritize our time and focus in life…not so much how we squeeze more out of our work day or schedules. Sort of time management for…

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120: What Is Missional? And Why It Scares Most Pastors To Death

what is missional?

We still hear a lot of “missional” talk these days… It’s the sexy phrase in the church world. But what is truly missional? What does it mean, and is your church or small group really all that missional? In this week’s episode of Lifeschool, we’ll define it for you–what it is and is not–and we…

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Why You Need a Break: The Modern Day Sabbath

Almost no one I know has a lot of extra time on their hands. And you were never created to sustain the pace you may be living at! In this episode of Lifeschool, we are talking about the often neglected, but super-important, concept and practice of taking a sabbath day of rest. Remember those?! Taking…

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117: Daddy-Daughter Dates: 5 Things You Need to Know

daddy daughter dates

Life is busy and our kids grow up (super) fast! As parents, we wonder if we’re developing the hearts of our kids in ways that will secure our relationship with them, and help them develop meaningful relationships in the future. In this episode of Lifeschool, Caesar shares with us how intentional daddy-daughter dates has proven…

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116: How to Make Sure You’re Developing the Right Leaders

developing the right leaders

Developing new leaders is crucial to the success and growth of any ministry or organization. Without it we are facing a growing list of responsibilities that will eventually crush us. And most definitely a future that will not include multiplication. In this episode we’ll teach you how to determine the right people you should be…

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115: How to Move From Forgiveness to Reconciliation

forgiveness to reconciliation

All of us know the pain of having a broken relationship. Most of us live with this pain thinking there is no way to restore what’s been lost. In this episode we discuss the difference between forgiveness and reconciliation and how to restore relationships that seem too far gone to repair. What could be more…

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