170: It’s Time to Redefine the Value of Marriage and Singleness

redefine marriage and singleness

Should all Christians be married? Although we might quickly respond “no,” our cultural stories and norms―including those in the church―often communicate “yes!” This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we’re joined by Kutter Callaway, an author and assistant professor of theology and culture. We talk about this and how culture is redefining marriage and singleness… and…

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169: Why Artists Need to Shape the Identity of the Church

artists shape identity church

The church was once the premier creator of art and beauty within culture. Christian artists throughout history saw it as their honor, and even their duty, to portray Christ and his Kingdom in ways that spoke to the hearts of people. This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, Caesar talks to Heath about art, identity, and…

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Simple Discipleship Practices Outside the Box

discipleship outside the box

Discipleship is not a series of classes. Discipleship is the process of moving from unbelief to belief in every area of life… It must be done life on life, life in community, and life on mission. This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we talk about a form of discipleship that includes cigars, fireplaces, and an…

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167: How Consumerism is Killing the Church

consumerism killing church ministry

A new(er) building. The nicer children’s ministry wing. The best preacher. Comfy seats and a great band. Many Christians approach their churches, and their faith, as consumers. Even the term “church shopping” betrays the reality of our spiritual consumerism. This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we expose and articulate the ways that consumerism is killing…

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166: How to Understand and Talk About Climate Change

talk about climate change

Global warming: it’s one of the hottest scientific and political issues of today. But we’ve all found ourselves asking… It’s freezing outside—where’s global warming now? The climate is always changing—how do we know this isn’t just a cycle? Why should Christians care about global warming when we know the world won’t end that way? This…

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165: This is What Will Keep You From Living On Mission

living on mission

It is hard to sustain a missional lifestyle! Things get messy, and I start to wear out. Personal preferences and old habits creep back in to destroy things. And it’s not like life is getting any less busy. Today on the Lifeschool Podcast, you’ll find out what is really messing you up and keeping you…

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163: Can You Really Love Your Neighbor As You Love Yourself?

love neighbor as yourself

There was a time when neighbors knew each other’s names… when children and old folks in the neighborhood had more than their families looking out for them. What happened? This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we talk with author, Lance Ford, as we ask the question: can you really love your neighbor as much as…

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162: These 4 Companies Want to Fulfill Your Most Basic Needs

companies fulfill basic needs

Can all knowledge, sex, affection, and every other need be found just a click away? For a few dollars? Are we letting online companies replace and fulfill the most basic needs God has built into our lives? This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we talk about 4 companies that we all know, love, and use…

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161: How the Bible is Relevant and More Important Than Ever

how the bible is relevant

More and more people are questioning the validity of the relevance of the Bible in today’s culture. Is it all true… is it literal or figurative… does it apply to our lives today? On the Lifeschool Podcast this week, we’ll walk you through the most common misunderstandings about the Bible and the ways people read…

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160: How to Celebrate According to the Gospel

celebrate according to gospel

Why do most Christians suck at partying? Shouldn’t we be known as the most celebratory people in the world… where everyone we know is really trying to get invited to our parties? In this episode of the Lifeschool Podcast, we dig deep into historical and biblical proof that our God loves to party. And he…

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