206: How to Speak Gently and Think Clearly Amidst Conflict

think clearly amidst conflict

It happens over and over again: a political argument with a friend, a fight about racial issues on the internet, a disagreement with a coworker… At the first sign of conflict, we flee to a bunker with people who think like us and—internally or externally—attack everyone else. We feel safe there, but it’s killing us:…

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205: Why You (Yes You!) Need a Discipleship Coach

why you need a discipleship coach

Why do all serious players on any team have a coach, and why might all serious disciple-makers also need a coach? Life and ministry accelerate when you have someone help you call plays and develop strategies as you make disciples and live out this amazing Kingdom life. This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we’ll hear…

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204: Is Cultural Diversity Realistic in the Church?

cultural diversity in church

It’s easy to look across the auditorium–or across the room–and ask why the church and our small groups or missional communities are not more diverse. But are racial differences the only form of diversity there is? This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we’ll look at some of the reasons we don’t see greater diversity in…

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203: 7 Ways To Romance Your Wife All Year

romance your wife all year

After several years of marriage, the passion in your relationship can begin to fade into the normalcy of everyday life. If you have lost some of the romance in your marriage and are needing to turn up the fire, this episode will show you how. This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we’ll teach you 7…

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202: How to Do Church Discipline with Love and Purpose

how to church discipline with love

Church discipline is a term found nowhere in the Bible. But its taught, often necessary, and it is usually very difficult to practice in ways that show the love of God. And many of us, and those we know, have been hurt by churches not doing this correctly. This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we…

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201: Leadership Harmony in Missional Communities

leadership missional communities

Missional community life can be tricky and hard to sustain. Leading missional communities can seem even harder to navigate. How do you determine if you are like-minded enough to lead with another person or couple? How do you get started? This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we’re gonna teach you how to determine who you…

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198: A Million Little Things: Discipleship in the Real World

discipleship in real world

Wouldn’t it be great if Jesus had just left us his “5 Big Steps” or “3 Important Ingredients” for disciple-making? It would be so much simpler if discipleship in the real world was a little more spelled out and outlined into a few basics. This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we’re going to show you…

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197: Lifeschool Cafe: Your Questions Answered

Wouldn’t it be great if you could get any (all) of your questions about discipleship, relationships, and life on mission answered by a couple of “experts”? Here ya go… This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, you have asked, and we’ve listened! Caesar and Heath answer a pile of your questions about discipleship and missional living…

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196: Christmas and the Incarnation

christmas and the incarnation

Imagine Jesus being born today, in our times. Do you think he’d be received as God’s own son? Would the world believe… would you? This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, Caesar and Heath celebrate their second annual Christmas episode, as they dive deep into the Incarnation and what it means for us today. It’s crazy…

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194: Climate Change. What to Know, What You Can Do

climate change what to know

Rising sea levels… raging storms. Ferocious fires and punishing floods. Is something changing on our planet, or is all of this just… normal? This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we revisit a powerful conversation we had with renowned climate scientist, Katharine Hayhoe. Recently, the US federal government issued a new National Climate Assessment, and Katharine…

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