Conversations: Missional Community Growth

Missional Community Growth

From the outside looking in, missional communities can look very attractive and appear to be a straight line of growth toward multiplication. It is not always so. In this episode, we finish up our Conversations series. You’ll hear a conversation between a couple of guys who are leading missional communities. One of them is newer…

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Conversations: Proactive and Reactive Mission

Conversations: Proactive and Reactive Mission

We will never accidentally disciple someone to maturity in Christ. Discipleship that brings the Gospel to bear in all of life must happen in the rhythms of normal life together. But we often confuse discipleship with being a strong witness of God’s love and character to others. In this episode, we continue in our Conversations…

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Conversations: Small Group or Missional Community?

Conversations: Small Group or Missional Community?

Through the years we’ve seen Christians group themselves into ‘holy huddles’ that leave little room for new friends to join them in meaningful ways. That’s not God’s plan! In this episode, we continue in the Conversations series. You’ll hear two different conversations: The first is a couple of friends who’ve been in a small group…

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Conversations: Gospel Communities On Mission

Conversations: Gospel Communities On Mission

Most people cannot multiply or replicate what they experience on Sundays at a church service. If what we preach, and teach others cannot be reproduced immediately, over and over, then it will never lead to maturity, growth and multiplication. In this episode, we continue in the Conversations series. You’ll hear a short but natural conversation…

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Conversations: Discipleship In All Of Life

Conversations-Discipleship in all of Life

The gospel is not just the beginning of our Christian life and how we obtain a ticket to heaven. Our discipleship has implications for all of life today. And think about this… we are actually always in discipleship mode. In this episode, Caesar continues in the Conversations series. Hear a conversation between a married couple…

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Conversations: How We Make Disciples

Conversations: How We Make Disciples Holistic

Discipleship is not about knowledge acquisition or teaching folks lots of stuff about the Bible. It’s not enough to teach facts or gain knowledge… Disciples must be formed in ways that change their motivation and give them active gospel experiences. In this episode, Caesar continues in the series Conversations. We’re halfway through 10 essential topics…

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Conversations: The Mission of the Church

Conversations: The Mission of the Church

Everything we do as the Church should support the only mission Jesus gave us–make disciples who make more disciples. How’s that coming along in your church? In this episode, Caesar continues in the series Conversations; 10 essential topics you’ll need to discuss with those you want to lead toward a lifestyle of discipleship and mission. Hear…

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Conversations: The Purpose of the Gospel

Conversations: The Purpose of the Gospel

Jesus did not die to save us just so that we could get a ticket out of hell and a spot in heaven someday. Do your people know why God saved them in Christ?  In this episode, Caesar continues with a series of essential conversations you’ll need to have with those you want to lead…

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Conversations: Who We Are

Who We Are-Our Gospel Identity

Our human tendency–and religion has certainly reinforced this–is to focus on all the stuff we need to start DOing (or stop DOing) and forget that our life in Christ is more about our BEing. In this episode, Caesar continues with a series of essential conversations you’ll need to have with those you want to lead…

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Conversations: We Don’t Go To Church

Conversations: We Don’t Go To Church

The church is not a building; it is the family of God on his mission. This may seem simple, or just a matter of semantics, but language creates culture. This is actually a very important distinction to make with people. In this episode, Caesar kicks off a new series of conversations that you’ll need to…

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