213: How to Destroy the Idols in Your Life

how to destroy idols in life

The foundation of living as a ‘family on mission’ is believing you are part of God’s family and seeing others as family members that God is looking to restore and bring close to himself. And all of it must be a natural outgrowth of our family life together on mission. This week on the Lifeschool…

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212: Why Apologetics Makes For Poor Evangelism

why apologetics makes poor evangelism

One of the things that keep Christians from talking about their faith to their friends is the fear of sounding like a freak or being asked hard questions they can’t answer. Or they feel like they are supposed to “win” people over to their side of the discussion or they’ve failed. This week on the…

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211: Why the Church Should Throw Better Parties

why church should throw better parties

Does the way we celebrate, drink and eat remind us of God’s continued blessing in our life through Christ… and show our culture what it looks like to really party and celebrate unto the Lord? This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we’ll show you why Christians should be the most celebratory people in the world.…

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209: How to Make Faith and Life Fit Together

how to make faith life fit together

Many of us live with a form of spiritual schizophrenia. We live our “Christian life” primarily on Sunday, and then there’s our “regular life” lived the rest of the time. This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we’ll help you learn how to incorporate your faith into every area of life. To see that the Gospel…

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208: Growing in Patience with God, Yourself and Others

growing in patience

Patience is a fruit of the Spirit, but it is often difficult to find. How many people would label you “a patient person”? The roots of impatience lead deeper than you might imagine, and the effects compound each other. This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we’ll look at the immediate and lifelong benefits of growing…

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207: Missional Living When Your Church Doesn’t Support It

missional living church does not support

You desire to live a more missional life in community with others… making disciples in everyday life, but you don’t have the support of your pastor and local church leadership. Now what? This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we’ll speak to your heart first and then give you steps to get started and ways to…

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206: How to Speak Gently and Think Clearly Amidst Conflict

think clearly amidst conflict

It happens over and over again: a political argument with a friend, a fight about racial issues on the internet, a disagreement with a coworker… At the first sign of conflict, we flee to a bunker with people who think like us and—internally or externally—attack everyone else. We feel safe there, but it’s killing us:…

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205: Why You (Yes You!) Need a Discipleship Coach

why you need a discipleship coach

Why do all serious players on any team have a coach, and why might all serious disciple-makers also need a coach? Life and ministry accelerate when you have someone help you call plays and develop strategies as you make disciples and live out this amazing Kingdom life. This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we’ll hear…

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204: Is Cultural Diversity Realistic in the Church?

cultural diversity in church

It’s easy to look across the auditorium–or across the room–and ask why the church and our small groups or missional communities are not more diverse. But are racial differences the only form of diversity there is? This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we’ll look at some of the reasons we don’t see greater diversity in…

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203: 7 Ways To Romance Your Wife All Year

romance your wife all year

After several years of marriage, the passion in your relationship can begin to fade into the normalcy of everyday life. If you have lost some of the romance in your marriage and are needing to turn up the fire, this episode will show you how. This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we’ll teach you 7…

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