As we face new ways of BEing the church during this global pandemic, should we be focusing on evangelism or discipleship with people?In this short BONUS episode of the Lifeschool Podcast, Caesar will share with you a simple way to do both at the same time. This may surprise you a little!In This Episode You’ll…
Read More and ListenThe word “missional” is not a dirty word, out of fashion, or dead. It still means today: living radically focused on the mission of discipleship; making more disciples of Jesus in everyday life. That’s our only mission as the church, and it will always be that way. This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we look…
Read More and ListenDue to the fear and hysteria connected to the current Coronavirus outbreak, the Church is presented with an opportunity unlike any other we’ve probably seen in our lifetime. On this special episode of the Lifeschool Podcast, we look at our opportunity to truly glorify God and bring the reality of salvation, hope, and the Kingdom…
Read More and ListenMany church leaders think they’ve tried “missional community” before, and it failed. But actually… maybe they haven’t. Often, they’ve only tried more religion and new “DO to BE” activities with hipper language. That won’t get it done! This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we look at the difference between talking a good missional game and…
Read More and ListenFor Jesus, discipleship was a lifestyle, not a series of classes or big events he worked hard to promote and fill up the room. And he didn’t teach morality or doctrine and send his disciples out to try and sin less as they waited for his return. This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we celebrate…
Read More and ListenWe hear the word ‘accountability’ thrown around a lot within Christian circles. And for some it can hold deep meaning and value, while for others, it can conjure up feelings of failure, shame, or defeat. This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we talk about how accountability relationships are not all good or beneficial… but they…
Read More and ListenA lot of great, important questions come into Caesar and Heath every week. Topics range widely, but all things focus on and help us all learn how to live out our Christian faith and express the gospel in everyday life. Awesome. This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we answer as many of your questions as…
Read More and ListenThere is no evidence that the disciples of Jesus, or the 1st Century church, ever celebrated Christmas or Jesus’ birth as an annual holiday. And yet, many of us have been taught that consumerism has killed the true meaning of Christmas. Has it?! This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we look at the history of…
Read More and ListenNeighborhood missional living is something that many ascribe to, but not everyone achieves. This type of intentional discipleship in community includes family, friends, and those living closest to you and helps you experience the gospel in ways that you never imagined. This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we talk with our friend Twyla Franz, a…
Read More and ListenGratitude is more than delighting in a gift; it is a feeling of happiness directed toward a person for giving you something good. Growing in our ability to consistently be grateful and express gratitude is not only life-changing but is part of becoming a mature disciple of Jesus. This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we’ll…
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