185: How Do We Love Mercy and Do Justice?

love mercy do justice

It seems like it only takes a few seconds being on social media or TV to see people crying out for justice. We often speak of “getting justice”, but the Bible speaks of “doing justice”. This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we discuss the command in scripture to love mercy and do justice… and if…

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184: Sowing and Reaping: What is the “Harvest” Jesus Talked About?

sowing and reaping

Unless seeds are planted, watered, and given enough time for growth, there is little expectation of a harvest. That’s how it works in farming; it seems it is similar with people and their faith. This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we discuss the spiritual metaphor of sowing and reaping. Is it possible to do any…

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183: How to Transition to a Spiritual Conversation

transition to spiritual conversation

It can seem like the scariest and most awkward thing to do in life and relationships: you’re having a nice conversation, and you feel it’s time to bring up Jesus or transition to spiritual things. Yikes! This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we discuss how to transition normal, everyday discussions to spiritual conversations—without it being…

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182: What Does a Missional Community Need to “Do” Together?

Missional Community Do Together

Other than a weekly meal and hangout, what does a missional community need to do together? Are there set patterns for being together, or are we just trying to fit everything into a neat little once-a-week box? This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we discuss what a missional community is supposed to do from week-to-week.…

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181: How To: Missional Community in Any Context

missional community in any context

“Missional community life probably works great where you live, but you don’t understand my context. People are different here…” I’ve heard this a zillion times. This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we discuss whether or not it’s actually possible to start and sustain a missional community in any context: urban, suburban, rural… the moon! Jesus commanded…

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180: How to Say NO and Get Out of Bad Commitments

how to say no

Whether caused by fear of man or the fear of missing out (FOMO), most of us need to learn to say “no” a whole lot more often. This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we’ll teach you how to say no more often in life and how to un-commit yourself from the things that you shouldn’t…

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179: Why Conflict is Not All Bad. How to Resolve It When It Is

why conflict is not all bad

When we hear the word “conflict,” it is usually perceived as a negative thing. However, there is a reason why conflict is not all bad, and can be either a positive or negative thing. The key is understanding the difference. This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we are going to show you how to recognize…

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178: Why You Want To Be A Mentor To A Child

Most of us would agree with the age-old saying, “The youth of today is the future of tomorrow.” But how many of us take that sentiment seriously enough to actually do something about it? This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we talk about the opportunities for mentoring those who are eventually going to take our…

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176: Why You Need Gospel Motivation In Your Life (Part 2)

gospel motivation in your life

It’s easy to listen to sermons and read books on theology and missional living… nod our heads in agreement… yet very little change happens in our lives. Jesus made some surprising (maybe unreasonable?) commands to his potential disciples. This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we continue our talk on Gospel Motivation and why what we…

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175: Why You Need Gospel Motivation In Your Life

gospel motivation

“I have a whole bunch of people that have bought into this missional community thing and lifestyle–living like missionaries in our city–but HOW do you keep them motivated? They start out all fired up, but after a while, they seem to fizzle out.”  Sound familiar? This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we talk about why…

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