5 Ongoing Essentials Missional Leaders Need

5 Ongoing Essentials for Missional Leaders

Leadership within the Church is so much more than just tasks and jobs getting done. Biblical leadership does get things done and serve the Family, but effectiveness as leaders is so much more about character, their hearts, and a growing ability to speak and model the Gospel in all of life. In this episode, Caesar…

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Multiplying Your Missional Community

Multiplying Your Missional Community

Moving a missional community toward multiplication is a lot like preparing your kids to move out of the house and start a life with families of their own. Done well, it takes a great level of intentionality on the leaders’ parts and does not happen accidentally. In this episode, Caesar walks you through a recent…

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Moving From Small Group to Missional Community

Small Group Missional Community

What happens when you feel God leading you, beyond a weekly meeting with a handful of other Christians, out to make disciples in the most underserved neighborhood in your city? In this episode, Caesar is joined by author and community builder Terence Schilstra. You’ll hear the exciting story of how his traditional church small group…

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Our Crazy Bivocational Lifestyle

There are more and more people interested in bi-vocational ministry these days. And more reasons that people want and even need to be involved in jobs that go hand in hand with their vocational ministry. In this episode, Caesar and his wife Tina share their incredible 30+ years of doing full-time ministry while starting and…

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It’s Time For The Church To Tell a New Story

If we are serious about changing the culture within the church, then we must begin to change the narrative that leaders tell. If the only stories we are telling through social media are who is preaching, what you’re preaching, and how amazing everything was on Sunday, then we will continue to get and BE what…

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Experiencing Spiritual Disciplines In Everyday Life

Making mature disciples of Jesus includes passing on healthy spiritual disciplines… life-giving, gospel-reminding practices and rhythms. Yet you won’t find a passage in scripture that gives a list of spiritual disciplines listed. In this episode, Caesar will explode your understanding of what spiritual disciplines are, and show you how they can be woven into the…

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7 Lies That Ruin Our Ability To Rest

Rest is fueled or depleted by the impact of what we believe. Are you letting God’s perspective about you, guide you into a life that is abundant and fulfilling? In this episode, Caesar is joined by author, Twyla Franz, as they talk about the lies we too often believe, that are ruining our ability to…

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5 Dumb Things Christians Need To Stop Doing

5 Dumb Things Christians Need To Stop Doing

The life of Jesus was and will always be counter-cultural. But often, it seems, we’re not ridiculed or rejected because we’re living such radically loving and selfless lives, it’s because we actually live so little like Jesus. In this episode, Caesar looks at 5 dumb things that Christians need to stop doing that are affecting…

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Disciple-making In Your Unique Context

disciple-making in your unique context

It is important to observe your culture and context in order to be able to understand it. Without this, it is hard–if not impossible–to speak and embody the Gospel in a way that is Good News to people. In this episode, Caesar is joined by author and church planting guru, Peyton Jones. They discuss the…

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The Cost of Discipleship in Afghanistan

The Cost of Discipleship in Afghanistan

It will be hard to forget the images and video of Afghans mobbing outgoing aircraft in a desperate attempt to leave their country following the Taliban’s recent seizure of Kabul.  In this episode, Caesar examines how thousands of Christians remaining in Afghanistan are counting the costs of discipleship and following Jesus–potentially at the risk of…

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