How to Pray the Gospel for All of Life

223 how to pray gospel all of life

Prayer was always meant to be a conversation with our heavenly Father, our Daddy. If your prayers are cold, formal, self-focused or rare, then seeing prayer as a time you get to talk with Dad will draw you to the source of all life, grace, and love. This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we’ll teach…

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Where to Find Your Unique People of Peace

where to find your people of peace

God has already placed unique people in your life that have been waiting for someone to introduce them to Jesus and live in His Kingdom. You’ll find that these “people of peace” are longing for relationship and are naturally easy to spend time with. This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we’ll teach you where to…

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Hugh Halter: An Apostle’s Journey

221 hugh halter apostles journey

Do modern-day apostles exist? Are there still people that God sends to proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom to the lost and broken and start new movements of the gospel where the Kingdom of God touches down here on Earth? This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, Caesar interviews his close friend, author and modern…

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Top 10 Roadblocks to Discipleship and Mission

top 20 roadblocks discipleship mission

“If I’ve heard it once I’ve heard it a thousand times!” We hear the most common excuses, fears, and roadblocks to discipleship and mission over and over. The reason they come up so often is… they must be real. Or at least we think they are. This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we’ll share (from…

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Creating the Right Discipleship Environment Pt.2

creating right discipleship environment part 2

Discipleship that mirrors what Jesus did with his disciples, and produces the same hope, maturity and multiplication is an “all of life” experience. It looks pretty different than what most of us Christians have seen or participated in. This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we’ll give you Part 2 of our talk on the 10…

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Creating the Right Discipleship Environment Pt.1

creating right discipleship environment part 1

Discipleship is an all of life apprenticeship led by Jesus himself. In order to make disciples of Jesus, who in turn, know how to make more disciples, we must pay close attention to the experience and environment that Jesus provided his disciples. This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we’ll give you Part 1 of a…

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217 Why Discipleship Is So Rare In Our Churches

why discipleship is rare in churches

Without discipleship, we are left with a “shadow church”… a lot of religious trappings and tradition without the red hot center of the mission Jesus gave us at its core. Is the church stuck? This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we’ll address why discipleship is so rare in our churches and we’re calling church leaders…

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216: A Week in the Life of a Missional Community

week in life missional community

If you try and treat life and the rhythms in a missional community like a light switch, something you suddenly flip on in your lives, you’ll be disappointed and frustrated. It takes time for any group of people to develop new rhythms and begin to truly feel as if they are part of a family.…

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215: Are You Too Comfortable for a Missional Life?

too comfortable for missional life

We live in a culture oriented entirely toward comfort, and the church is not immune to this allure. Are we just dissatisfied consumers hoping to find our perfectly customized dream job, dream house, dream vacation, and even our dream church and a perfectly comfortable dream life? This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we’ll help you…

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214: Is Your Family Prepared for Missional Living?

family prepared for missional living

The foundation of living as a ‘family on mission’ is believing you are part of God’s family and seeing others as family members that God is looking to restore and bring close to himself. And all of it must be a natural outgrowth of our family life together on mission. This week on the Lifeschool…

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