Our Need For Innovation in the Church Today

A rocket's fiery propulsion contrasted against the serene floating of hot air balloons representing the role of the Church in shaping culture and society.

There was a time when Christians and the Church pioneered much of the future, shaping culture in profound ways, from business to art to justice reform. But along the way, that redemptive, adaptive movement began to institutionalize, leaving us change-averse and frozen in time. In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar welcomes innovation…

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The Beauty of the Gospel vs. Religion

Many people who avoid the Church have not rejected Jesus and the Good News of the Gospel; they’ve actually, rightfully so, shunned religion. And they’ve dismissed a transactional way of relating to God and an effort to somehow balance out the cosmic scales of his justice. In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we…

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Is Tithing Actually Biblical?

Christians are taught that we should be giving 10% of everything we earn to the church. Is the practice of tithing still in effect for us today, or is it time to reconsider this practice? This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll look at the truth about tithing. Is it biblical? Are we under-giving…

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Do Christians Party Like They Believe The Gospel?

Christians should be the most celebratory people in the world. In every neighborhood, in every city. Do you agree with that? Well, our heavenly Father is sure into parties! In this episode, Caesar and Heath talk about how to celebrate according to the gospel. And we dig deep into historical and biblical proof that our…

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How to Be Confident in Your Unique Calling

People who know their calling in life seem to live with a form of built-in GPS that guides them throughout their lives. They’re focused, they know where they’re going. And while calling and vocation sometimes overlap, they are in fact very different things. This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, you’ll discover how to find…

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Could a 2nd Job Be Part of Your Calling?

Does your current ministry role and lifestyle help you realize and experience what people in your city really face–the things that are really on their hearts? Believers and not-yet-believers? Maybe God has been preparing you for the next part of his calling on your life. In this episode of The Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar talks…

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How The Gospel Speaks To Guilt and Shame

Understanding the difference between guilt and shame and how the gospel heals us

Guilt or shame… are they the same thing? The last time you made a mistake or really blew it, what were you feeling in your gut: guilt or shame? Do you know the difference? One is healthy, and the other is deadly. In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, I’ll show you why understanding…

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Is Bi-Vocational Ministry the Future For Leaders?

For as long as we’ve all been alive, there has been sort of a two-tiered system for Christians: Those who are “called” enough and lucky enough to be on the staff at church and actually get paid to do ministry… and then there was pretty much everyone else. Or what is often referred to as…

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Connecting With God in Everyday Life

Connecting your heart and life with God in everyday life

Humans were created to live in a trusting relationship with God where he guides our lives with his perfect love and wisdom. Prayer reconnects us to God in the ways he always intended us to live. In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar talks with author Neil Cole about prayer and finding ways…

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Pastors: Stop Doing 80% of What You’re Doing!

Pastors are overworked and need to hand off much of what they spend time on!

If you’re a pastor, a lot of the things you’re spending time on each week may not be producing as much fruit as you think. But all of us get caught on a hamster wheel of things we’ve added to our list of responsibilities, or someone else has, that over time become a huge waste…

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