Christians are taught that we should be giving 10% of everything we earn to the church. Is the practice of tithing still in effect for us today, or is it time to reconsider this practice? This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll look at the truth about tithing. Is it biblical? Are we under-giving…
Read More and ListenWouldn’t it be great if Jesus had just left us his “5 Big Steps” or “3 Important Ingredients” for disciple-making? It would be so much simpler if discipleship in the real world was a little more spelled out and outlined into a few basics. In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’re going to…
Read More and ListenStaying on track toward accomplishing large goals can seem hard, but all big things come from small beginnings. The seed of every habit is a single, tiny decision and we all do exactly what we choose to do every day. In this episode, Caesar shares a simple process for getting started and sustaining movement toward…
Read More and ListenMany in the world today are living with a very real sense of scarcity and lack. And with so much division and political strife, a feeling of scarcity in our relationships may have also set in. In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar shares his own experience of being raised with a scarcity…
Read More and ListenFor many in Western civilization, our idea of “family” seems like a failed experiment. We’ve been sold the line that the family exists primarily as a springboard for the individual. But what if our families functioned more like a team–a team on a mission? In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar talks with…
Read More and ListenYou want to live a more missional life—sharing everyday rhythms with others, building community, and making disciples. But what do you do when your pastor or church leadership isn’t on board? This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll start by speaking to your heart. Then, we’ll guide you with practical steps to get started…
Read More and ListenMany of us were raised to believe that the Christmas holidays are a time to unplug from outside relationships and our “normal” community rhythms. Even many Christians tend to isolate away from their small groups, missional communities, and neighbors instead of pressing deeper into relationships at this time of year. In this episode of the…
Read More and ListenGratitude is more than delighting in a gift; it is a feeling of happiness directed toward a person for giving you something good. Growing in our ability to consistently be grateful and express gratitude is not only life-changing but is part of becoming a mature disciple of Jesus. This episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast…
Read More and ListenWhen making disciples in community, a common strategy question arises: should we have a Missional Community that is only neighborhood-based, or should we start a Missional Community that’s relationally network-based? In this episode, Caesar lays out the advantages and disadvantages of both neighborhood and networked-based approaches to community building. And the importance of creating organized…
Read More and ListenDo apostles still walk among us today? Are there people God sends to proclaim the Good News to the lost and broken, sparking new movements and bringing his Kingdom to life here on Earth? In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar talks with his close friend, author, and modern apostle, Hugh Halter. Hugh’s…
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