Looking Back To Move Our Church Forward

move church forward

Church leaders are navigating great changes and conflict today. It may be the way forward requires a serious look back at the patterns and promises of Jesus. In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar shares a good bit of his own story on how God moved him from traditional, vocational church ministry to…

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Why No One Really Wants Your Advice

no one wants your advice

Christians can often get into a mindset where we think everything that is wrong or untrue needs to be addressed NOW!  And so with the banner of “speaking the truth in love” flying high over our heads, we dive in with our unsolicited advice. In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar explains why…

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More Surprising Trends For The Future Church

more trends for future church

Because of the pandemic, restrictions on church gatherings will ultimately be measured in months or maybe years. No one knows for sure how or when this will resolve. And when things do re-open, it won’t be an instant, overnight return to unlimited gathering sizes. Our rhythms of life as the church have forever changed! In…

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Emerging Trends For The Future Church

emerging trends for future church

By now you’re probably figuring out that the Coronavirus pandemic and related social distancing has produced more of a disruption than just a temporary interruption for your Church. In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar talks with church strategist and disciple-maker, Rob Wegner, about some positive (and not-so-positive) trends that are emerging in…

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How To Avoid Misunderstandings–10 Steps

how to avoid misunderstandings

Have you ever been misunderstood or misinterpreted? Do you sometimes misunderstand the signals and words you’ve received from others? Oftentimes communication seems to be a fight for control. But it doesn’t have to be that way! In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar will teach you how to avoid being misunderstood and give…

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Was 2020 The Craziest Year Ever?!

was 2020 craziest year ever

A global pandemic, social distancing. and lockdowns, relief checks, protests, massive business closures, worldwide contentious political climate, emergency vaccinations… was 2020 the craziest year ever?!  In this episode, Caesar and his special guest, Heath Hollensbe, catch up on all that has happened in their lives this year, what they’re learning from all of this, and…

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We Can Experience Love Because God is Gracious

god is gracious

A recent survey asked, “If you could say in one word what you want more of in life, what would that be?” Very surprisingly, LOVE didn’t even make the top 10! Could it be that money and fleeting happiness have replaced the need for love in our lives? In this episode of the Everyday Disciple…

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Introducing Everyday Disciple – Trailer

I’m Caesar Kalinowski, and it’s my passion to help those with a high commitment to discipleship, family and faith, learn to naturally and confidently integrate the really good news of the gospel into every area of life. I’ve worked in over 30 countries training thousands in discipleship and mission as a lifestyle. Each Monday you…

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God Is Good So We Can Find Joy In Our Life

god is good

For hundreds of years, the church has anticipated the coming of Jesus during the season of Advent. Into this space, this void, the angels announced to the shepherds the good news of Jesus that would bring great joy to all people.  In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar continues the Advent Series as…

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We Live With Peace Because God Is Glorious

live in peace because god is glorious

The peace Jesus came to bring was not coercive or backed up by military might, and it was not the type of peace that most of the world was looking for. The announcement of the Messiah’s birth heralded something different and transformational. In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar continues the Advent Series…

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