Grief According to the Gospel

Young woman in tears, grieving the loss of a loved one.

Throughout scripture, we see that God, magnified in the life of Jesus, grieves. He grieves sin and the effects of sin on humanity and our relationships. Created in God’s image, experiencing grief is part of what makes us human. But not all of us understand how to grieve and help others in their grief. In…

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Holistic Discipleship: The Gospel In Everything

Man at a dinner table looking toward you with his kids at the table in back

Discipleship involves caring for the whole life of a person. How we steward our time, jobs, money, relationships, entertainment, health, body, etc. can all be transformed by the Gospel for God’s glory. Not just the “spiritual” things.   In this episode, Caesar Kalinowski shows how the Gospel speaks to and transforms ALL of life, and why…

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Gospel Fluency Tunes Our Ear To Others’ Hearts

Headphones on a red heart listening deeply to a person.

Everyone’s stories–the big life stories and the smaller stories that make up our lives and relationships–offer an immediate and powerful way to listen for opportunities to speak the good news of the gospel into a person’s life and circumstances. In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar Kalinowski talks with Terry Miller, a missionary…

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Are Your Church Elders Really Deacons? (And vice versa)

Servant with towel draped over forearm.

A lot of men called ‘elders’ in the Church today are not functioning as biblical elders. Maybe what they are actually doing is a lot closer to the work of the deacons? Many cling to their titles, when in fact they’re not leading God’s people by example on the only mission Jesus gave his church:…

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Beyond Offense: Sharing Our Faith and Restoring Relationships

Mugshot of an embarrassed man holding a sign that says "guilty".

We’ve all had attempts at sharing our faith not turn out as well as we hoped. And sometimes, despite our good intentions, the other person ends up offended. Was it our fault, or did they just not want to hear it? In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar will give you 7 ways…

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Being Salt and Light in Our Divided Culture

Scissors cutting through paper cutouts of a diverse group of people

Clearly, we live in an increasingly divided culture. Do we retreat, or do we engage this cultural chasm with a person-to-person and systemic response? Maybe, as Jesus said, we can begin to live as both SALT and LIGHT despite our differences. In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar shows us three very important…

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Making The Mission of God a Family Story w/Hugh Halter

Hugh Halter at a cafe table drinking coffee

Parents raising a “righteous brood” is part of Jesus’ plan to see justice, mercy, and the fullness of his kingdom transform the earth. He wants to see you growing your kids into people who will usher in God’s kingdom, for the good of all. This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar speaks with author…

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Being Missionaries to Our Neighbors: A Discipleship Journey

Friends talking across a backyard fence building relationship and having fun

Most Christians are sick of the “hamster wheel” of ministry activities they’re expected to fit into their schedules. And it can be frustrating trying to get the folks in your church to engage in discipleship and outreach in their busy, daily lives.  This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar and his wife Tina share…

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Moving People To Maturity Through Relational Growth

Two friends having coffee as they discuss disciple-making.

How we invest in our relationships is a big part of making disciples that make more disciples and lead others in the church. Jesus lived intentionally with his disciples by inviting them to join him in every aspect of life, and by challenging them in ways that encouraged trust, growth, and maturity. This week on the…

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Discipleship Rhythms For a Community on Mission

Kids from a missional community in a circle looking down at the camera and laughing

Ministry and discipleship cannot merely be a series of events on the calendar. If all we have are organized events, then what we offer people is a program. But, if all we do in our disciple-making is organic and rarely organized or predictable, it is hard for people to know what it is we’re asking…

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