Are You Leading With a Missional Mindset?
The word “missional” is not a dirty word, out of fashion, or dead. It still means today: living radically focused on the mission of discipleship; making more disciples of Jesus in everyday life. That’s our only mission as the church, and it will always be that way.
This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we look at distractions and loss of focus, and regardless of what you call it, we talk about having a “missional mindset” and the importance of that discipleship focus, especially if you’re a pastor or leading a community group, etc.
In This Episode You’ll Learn:
- How your view of the gospel shapes your mindset and focus.
- Why discipleship is not something just preached about on Sunday.
- 10 ways people with a missional mindset live and lead.
- How our language impacts what others think Christianity is about.
From this episode:
“People with a missional mindset are careful to use language that makes sense to normal people and helps to reinforce the mission of disciple-making, rather than sound like a seminary class or using a special language about the gospel that almost no one else can replicate in normal life with others. And they seek to have their preaching fuel discipleship–not behavioural modification. In fact, their preaching and services are all a part of discipleship and equipping for the same.”
Each week the Big 3 will give you immediate action steps to get you started.
Download today’s BIG 3 right now. Read and think over them again later. You might even want to share them with others…
Thanks for Listening!
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Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode:
Coaching on Disciple-making and Missional Living with Caesar & Tina
Missio Publishing – More Missional Books and Resources
Caesar Kalinowski’s Website and Blog with Loads of Resources