Are You Picking The Right Leaders?

Whether it’s in your church, non-profit, or missional community, growth requires you to develop your next generation of leaders. How will you know who they are? Is everyone really a leader? Could you be wasting your time developing the wrong people? In this episode, Caesar and Heath talk about how to effectively identify your best…

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5 Ways Church Leaders Need to Be Cared For

Friends come around their pastor to pray for, encourage and support him.

Leadership within the Church is much more than just getting tasks and jobs done. Biblical leadership does get things done and serve the Family, but effectiveness as a leader is more about character, the condition of the heart, and a growing ability to speak and model the Gospel in all of life. In this episode,…

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A Community of Welcome In a City of Loneliness

A lonely older man looks through his curtains out the window of his home to see if anyone is out there for him.

There’s an epidemic of loneliness and isolation in our cities today, whether they’re big or small. More people are living alone and wondering where they’ll find community and hope. In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar is joined by disciple-maker and church planter, Gino Curcuruto. They discuss how the Church is in a perfect…

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Are Missional Communities Still a Thing?

A multi-ethnic and multi-generational group of friends and family enjoying life as part of a missional community.

Was the whole “missional” thing just a passing church fad, or is there really something more to it?  In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll define it for you–what it is and is not–and why it still scares a lot of pastors today. In This Episode You’ll Learn: Where the term missional comes from, and…

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Modern Sabbath Rhythms and The Gospel

Why do most Christians treat the biblical commands for observing the Sabbath as a suggestion? Could this be why we live such frantic, stressful lives? Not a great witness for our neighbors! In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we discuss the often neglected, but super-important practice of creating a rhythm of sabbath rest.…

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Caution: Your Sunday Service May Be Confusing People

A young man is confused by what he has seen and experienced at a local church service, it does not seem to show him much of what God is truly like.

What would the average person who has not grown up in church think Christianity and the gospel are all about based on what they see, hear, and experience in your Sunday church service? In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll talk about how the medium we use on Sundays may be overshadowing the…

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Smashing Idols and Phoney Gods In Your Life

A defiant golden idol bull standing on a mountain.

We all let false “gods” gain such controlling positions in our hearts that we will spend large amounts of passion, energy, and emotional and financial resources on them without a second thought. This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll teach you how to identify and then smash idols and phoney gods in your life.…

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Maximize Your Summer For Community Impact

A granfather aged man splashing and having summer fun with a young boy.

Summer is here again, yes!  For many involved in a small group or missional community, summer is a time for taking a break from ministry… Don’t do it! Your neighbors and friends are all out looking for fun and relationships this summer. This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll show you why and how…

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How The Gospel Transforms Our Anger

Anger is undeniably a significant issue in our lives and culture, and it’s likely to remain so. However, anger can also be a positive thing. Yes, you read that right. Anger is an attribute of God and those who seek to love deeply. In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar breaks down the…

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Tips For Hosting Community Meals

Friends and neighbors, young and old, enjoying a summer party outdoors.

Life on mission in community includes a lot of eating together. Your meals should reflect your life as a family—God’s family. Loving others well is far more important than what you serve or how perfect everything looks. This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we talk with Caesar’s wife Tina, a professional chef and hospitality…

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Believing What God Says Is True Of You

A picture held up of a large fingerprint represents the unique image of God we all bear.

Let’s be honest: the life you lead isn’t what you’ve always dreamt of. And maybe the person you’ve become isn’t who you’ve always imagined. God longs to redeem the story of your life and set you on the path to reclaiming your dreams… His dreams. Are you ready? In this episode of the Everyday Disciple…

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Overcoming Our Limiting Beliefs About Discipleship

Hand holding old rusty chains held triumphantly in the air in victory representing overcoming limiting beliefs about disciple-making.

As Christians, we most often use the word “belief” in connection to our faith and the Bible, but we also have beliefs that shape our lives connected to pretty much every action or inaction in life. Sometimes these beliefs can limit our potential. In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll talk about how…

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The Holy Spirit: From Underrated to Essential

Depending on your upbringing or past church experience, you may be “all about” the Spirit… or you may see the Holy Spirit as the weird uncle of the Trinity; he shows up once in a while to utter some strange words, and you sorta politely wait for him to leave. 🥹 In this episode of…

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Rethinking Discipleship: 10 False Beliefs in the Church

A row of pastors with padlocks in place of their heads. The one in the center has his lock unopened and he is holding a stack of books.

If the Church keeps doing what it has been for decades in connection to disciple-making, we will continue to see a decline in Christianity in our time. There is no better time than today to start changing our minds, changing the church, and changing the world! This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll give…

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Spirituality That Fuels God’s Mission

Jeremy & Monica Chambers, a young married couple, share 31 spiritual practices that fuel God's mission in our life.

Mission for God and intimacy with God can often become disconnected and seem like competing priorities and passions. But what if you could cultivate a vibrant and authentic spirituality that doesn’t draw you away from your neighbors, but propels you into the lives of others and the needs of your city? In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast,…

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Why People In Your Church Are Not Motivated

A group of young Christians showing lack of motivation with a thumbs down.

Have you found it hard–really hard–to move people in your church toward embracing change? Are you finding it frustrating to motivate folks to reorient their lives around discipleship, serving others, and missional living… versus a consumeristic experience of the church? In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll tell you why the way you’ve…

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Why Everything We Do Matters So Much

Charlie Peacock and his wife Andi Ashworth

Have you ever asked, What can I do to mend the world, my family, or my own life? And if I could, why bother? Does my own small part even matter? This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar is joined by Charlie Peacock and his wife Andi Ashworth. They discuss a model for expressing…

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Creating an Effective Discipleship Environment Pt.2

Friends having a fun time together and sharing a meal with discipleship happening normally.

Discipleship that mirrors what Jesus did with his disciples, and produces the same hope, maturity and multiplication, is an “all of life” experience. It looks very different than what most Christians have seen or participated in. This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll give you Part 2 of our talk on the 10 necessary…

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Creating an Effective Discipleship Environment Pt.1

Two men who are friends and having lunch together outside on lawn chairs. Discipleship happening in normal life and relationships.

Discipleship is an all-of-life apprenticeship led by Jesus himself. To make disciples of Jesus, who in turn, know how to make more disciples, we must pay close attention to the experience and environment that Jesus provided his disciples. This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll give you Part 1 of a two-part talk on…

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7 Community Relationship Killers

A man whispers gossip in the ear of a woman friend who has a shocked look on her face.

Life in a community on God’s mission is messy. It just is. Lots of relational dynamics come into play… hopes, fears, preferences, etc. Things will get complicated when you have humans working together! In this episode, Caesar gives you 7 community relationship killers that you’ll want to watch for and avoid. You’re going to need…

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