Control, Approval, Comfort, Power. Why We Chase False Gods

We all have hidden idols—big and small. An idol is anything that takes God’s place in your heart, absorbs your imagination, or promises what only He can give.

This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’re tackling the four root idols: control, approval, comfort, and power. You’ll learn how to identify and destroy them in your life.

Idols today aren’t statues or totems—they’re far more subtle. Listen when your heart says, “If I just had that, then my life would have meaning… then I’d feel valuable, significant, or secure.”

In This Episode You’ll Learn:

  • A clear, practical definition of what idols look like in our lives.
  • The four root idols that fuel all forms of false worship.
  • Key emotional triggers that reveal the idols controlling us.
  • How these idols steal our worship and devotion from God.

Get started here…

A man covered in mud and chains as a picture of the false idols controlling his life.

From this episode:

“Here’s a question to ask yourself… what am I trying to earn from this person or situation? Is it already mine as a dearly beloved child of our Father in heaven? What are my true identity, authority, and privilege as a daughter or son of the King?”


Each week the Big 3 will give you immediate action steps to get you started.
Download today’s BIG 3 right now. Read and think over them again later. You might even want to share them with others…

Thanks for Listening!

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Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode:

Coaching with Caesar and Tina in discipleship and missional living.

Resources for Disciple-making and Missional Living


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