What Causes Sin and How to Stop It

“Just stop it!” doesn’t really work when it comes to changing sinful actions, habits, or thoughts in our lives (or in others). And perhaps what you’ve been taught about sin and repentance is all wrong… Today on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we talk about where sin really comes from and how we can move away…

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Is Tithing Actually Biblical?

Christians are taught that we should be giving 10% of everything we earn to the church. Is the practice of tithing still in effect for us today, or is it time to reconsider this practice? This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll look at the truth about tithing. Is it biblical? Are we under-giving…

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How to Be Confident in Your Unique Calling

People who know their calling in life seem to live with a form of built-in GPS that guides them throughout their lives. They’re focused, they know where they’re going. And while calling and vocation sometimes overlap, they are in fact very different things. This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, you’ll discover how to find…

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Is Bi-Vocational Ministry the Future For Leaders?

For as long as we’ve all been alive, there has been sort of a two-tiered system for Christians: Those who are “called” enough and lucky enough to be on the staff at church and actually get paid to do ministry… and then there was pretty much everyone else. Or what is often referred to as…

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Is Your Church Successful? New Benchmarks

Hitting The Bullseye

Jesus was immeasurably the most successful person in human history. In every way. Yet, if we were to measure his lifetime effectiveness using today’s Church benchmarks of success, Jesus would probably find it hard to get hired on at most churches. What are you measuring? This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we look at…

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How Jesus Explained Life and Growth For Us

How Jesus Explained Life and Growth For Us in the Kingdom

Are you living a “Kingdom of God lifestyle” today, in a very real sense? Do you feel like growth, abundance, and victory are all a part of your community life and church experience? This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, Caesar and Heath talk about how Jesus explained normal life and growth in the Kingdom…

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How to Stop Worrying About What These People Think

How to Stop Worrying About What These People Think

People love to give their opinions about how you’re doing things… but sometimes the best way to care for others and yourself is to stop caring about what certain people think. This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we look at the types of people you’ll need to stop listening to in order to truly…

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Why God Wants Us To Treat Everyone Like Family

Why God Wants Us To Treat Everyone Like Family

Who’s ‘in’… who’s ‘out’… Are we really called to treat everyone like a part of the family? Or is this more of an expression of how we should try to live, primarily with other Christians? This week on the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll show you what scripture teaches and try and convince you that God wants…

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Is Your Language Creating The Culture You Want?

Is Your Language Creating The Culture You Want

It seems that many Christians are bilingual… We speak in one normal, everyday language most of the time, but when it comes time to talk about religion, spirituality, or God, we break out our special “Christianese” language. In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll talk about being more intentional (and careful) with the…

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Family Discipleship and Mission Made Simple (Part 2)

Family Discipleship and Mission Made Simple 392

I grew up going to church Sunday after Sunday. Discipleship, if and when it happened, was a series of classes or a 9-week curriculum that we went through. The problem with that was… it didn’t really work. In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll share Part 2 of seven simple yet important steps…

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Family Discipleship and Mission Made Simple (Part 1)

Family Discipleship and Mission Made Simple (Part 1)

Our Christian faith was always meant to be vibrant and lived like a family with others—not a once-a-week experience. Missional communities are a proven (biblical) way to engage people in normal rhythms of family discipleship and mission… believers and not-yet-believers alike. In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll share Part 1 of seven…

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Is Your Church Service Confusing People?

Is Your Church Service Confusing People?

Have you ever wondered what your average person–someone who has not grown up in the church–would think Jesus and the gospel are all about based on what they see, hear, and experience in your Sunday church service? In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we’ll talk about how the medium we often use on…

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Are You Believing What God Says About You?

Are You Believing What God Says About You-Jo Saxton

Let’s be honest: the life you lead isn’t what you’ve always dreamt of. And maybe the person you’ve become isn’t who you’ve always imagined. God longs to redeem the story of your life and set you on the path to reclaiming your dreams… His dreams. Are you ready? In this episode of the Everyday Disciple…

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How to Share Your Faith Without Being Weird

How to Share Your Faith Without Being_Weird

If you’re like most people I know, you probably don’t share your faith all that often. It can feel creepy or just plain awkward, and there’s always that fear of rejection. In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we talk about how to share your faith without being weird and how your “good news”…

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How To Parent With Grace [Not Fear or Control]

How To Parent With Grace [Not Fear or Control]

Our relationship with God directly feeds into how we see our role as a parent. If we have a flawed theology regarding who God is and how he sees us, it creates a chain reaction of flawed decisions and actions in how we parent our children. In this episode of the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we…

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The ‘New Normal’ Will Need Daring New Leaders

The ‘new normal’ we are entering into as believers will require daring new leaders who partner with their people, open new doors for not-yet believers, and model new ways of BEing the church. This week on the Lifeschool Podcast, we talk about how our current and evolving reality will require church leaders to become humble…

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[C19 XTRA] Pastors: 7 Ways To Take Care Of Yourself

Now that your duties include being a TV producer, online tech support, health expert and full-time counselor, it’s super important that you’re actively (intentionally) taking care of YOU! In this short BONUS episode of the Lifeschool Podcast, we remind pastors that it is NOT selfish to care for yourself. If you don’t “sharpen the saw”…

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Gospel Fluency and COVID-19 Fears

gospel fluency coronavirus fear

Does the worldwide coronavirus crisis have you feeling anxious, out of control, afraid, or angry? You don’t have to stay in that place! The gospel speaks good news to all of this and can transform your mind, heart, and response right away. Do you know how to speak hope and freedom into all of this?!…

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[BONUS] Evangelism or Discipleship Right Now?!

As we face new ways of BEing the church during this global pandemic, should we be focusing on evangelism or discipleship with people? In this short BONUS episode of the Lifeschool Podcast, Caesar will share with you a simple way to do both at the same time. This may surprise you a little! In This…

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